Your Own Recipes
The following is a list of Recipes that you had previously added.
Would like to use these recipes? Press "+ Add to List" to include it into the day's Meal Plan
Recipe name
Recipe name
Recipe name
To help with the menu planning for this day, please READ the following carefully
Add Meals for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner
Food Choices:
Either: Choose Recipes from the Recipe Collection to purchase a meal prep bag
Please choose at least One choice per meal
Or: Personalise the portion size for your own family recipe.​
Please make sure that personalisation of meals includes vegetables, protein-rich foods and staples such as rice.
List fruits that your prefer to eat
2. Add Snacks for Pre-training and Post-training
(they would be included if it is deemed necessary)
Snack Choices:
Either: Choose Snack Recipes from the Recipe Collection or
Or: Add Store bought Snacks that you are familiar with (they might be included if it is considered a lower risk Dietary Supplements or not a dietary supplement and if it helps with achieving your goal.)
Number of choices needed​
Four snacks choices​ (they would be included if it is deemed necessary)
Your Recipe List
This is the list of recipes that you have chosen for this day.
I'm Whiskers
I'm Fluffy
I'm Ginger
The Creation of Menu Plans
Name of Nutrition Plan
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